You know these last few days between posts has given me time to think. Being a regular guy is hard.
I started this blog for two reasons last month. One was to help other people who are dealing with some of their own scars from the war of love and of courser to help myself since I'm also a soldier of love.
I've had my heart broken more than a few times and after all of it's over I wonder if I even should have tried. An open rebuke is better than hidden love I read in proverbs 27:5. In other words I'm a better man for trying than to have kept my feelings completely to myself. But the pains of love linger long after the moment is over. One friend I had thought was close to me quickly dismissed me after I had told her how I was feeling. She totally stopped talking to me and calling. Avoiding me just about every chance she could get. Have not spoken to this supposed friend in almost four years. Some friend huh?
Don't know about you but I can get pretty self reflective when crap like this happens. Its almost like the pain that came out of the dismissal or breakup is reason enough not to try anyway. But yet I still do. The more I decide to make my resolve stronger than my reluctance the stronger I become. And with every battle I come closer to winning this war.
Soldier on heroes.